Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Service for Bellingham Community Meals: 3-6-16

The Sea Stars reunited on Sunday for a unique outing: baking for Bellingham Community Meals. BCM is a group of volunteers that comes together once a month to prepare and serve a warm meal free to the community. The only thing that isn't prepared onsite is… DESSERT! This is where we put our energy, and the girls collaboratively counted, measured, stirred, whipped, beat, melted, poured…and cleaned!

Claire and Sage in the Co-op's bright new space for cooking and learning.  Thanks, Co-op.

After an introduction to our project, we explored questions like: Whose "cups" are we filling today with this project? What other needs are we meeting by helping with this community meal? What would happen in our community without these resources?  The girls responded with thoughtfulness and compassion. We all agreed that filling others’ cups makes our cups more full. Today our goal was to help people meet the basic need of food. A great discussion was had about whether dessert was an actual need: the conclusion being that community meals (and cookies specifically) meet other basic needs as well, like love, community, and connection.

Lumina and Teva getting to work with their mixing
The girls split into three groups, with determination to stir lots of love into the batter along with the other ingredients. The kitchen was a-flurry with egg cracking, whirling beaters and recipe checking. We remembered to go one step at a time, implementing our motto, “Think It Through Before You Do.” Soon our treats were baking and our mouths were watering, and we began a serious Leave No Trace kitchen clean-up.

After our hard work we ate lunch together. What fun it was to laugh and connect with each other while being dry and warm! There was enough time for games; organized and instructed by the girls.

Fox + Rabbit tag indoors?! A crazy sight for an Explorers Club day.

Then we geared up and headed back to Laurel Park for some field games.  A few rounds of "Judge Nature" and "Skunk and Spray" and it was a wrap.

Rebecca helping the Sea Stars Collaborate + Compromise to come up with game ideas
Our words of the day? “ Cookies, cookies, awesome games!"

Mottos especially in use today: Our Cups Overflow, Leave No Trace, Everybody Helps, All Things Are Connected, Widen Our Circle

Want more photos from our day? Click here!

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